Personal data provided by you to our Church is generally voluntary in nature. The purpose of the collection of personal data should be directly related to our Church's activity.
Usage of personal data collected by our Church should be related to the purpose of its collection.
The retention period of personal data should not be longer than that required by the purpose of its collection.
Our Church implements safeguards over personal data collected. We endeavour to protect the confidentiality and safety of privacy and personal data in order to prevent unauthorised or accidental disclosure.
Our Church will not transfer your personal data to another person or organisation without your consent, except for any sign-up to take part in an activity jointly organised by our Church and other organisation(s). Our Church may use your sign-up information jointly with such organisation(s).
When filling out personal data, you may indicate any wish to restrict the usage of certain specified data or communication channel. You may also, via written means, either enquire with our Church's chief administrator regarding your personal data held by our Church, or request our Church to rectify or delete the same, or restrict the usage of your personal data for certain specified purpose or communication channel. However, based on your information provided and your request, our Church reserves the right as to whether to process the related application.
Our Church endeavours to observe the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong).
Our Church may update this Privacy Policy from time to time.
The version as is uploaded on our Church's website shall prevail.
20190321 Version
Weather Warning
Typhoon No. 1 Warning
If a Typhoon No.1 warning is hoisted, all activities continue as usual.
Typhoon No. 3 Warning
If a Typhoon No. 3 warning is hoisted, activities for infants, senior citizens, disabled or for those in illeness will be cancelled, Other activities continue as usual.
If Pre-No. 8
Special Announcement
is issued OR
Typhoon No. 8 or above Warning is hoisted
All activities are cancelled.
Changes of Typhoon
No. 3 or Low Warning
If a Typhoon No. 8 Warning is cancelled before 8am, all activities at the day will continue as usual.
If a Typhoon No. 8 Warning is cancelled before 12pm, all activities at that afternoon will continue as usual.
If a Typhoon No. 8 Warning is cancelled before 5pm, all activities is cancelled before 5pm, all activities at that night will continue as usual (Activities for infants, senior citizens, disabled or for those in illness will commence only after the Typhoon No. 3 Warning has been lowered).
**If any query, please contact the activity leader for details.

Weather Condition
Amber Rainstorm Warning
If an Amber Rainstorm Warning Signal is hoisted, all activities continue as usual.
Red Rainstorm Warning
If a Red Rainstorm Warning Signal is hoisted, activities for infants, senior citizens, disabled or for those in illness will be cancelled. Other activities continue as usual.
Black Rainstorm Warning
All activities are cancelled.
Cancellation of Black Rainstorm Warning
If Black Rainstorm Warning is cancelled before 8am, all activities at that day will continue as usual.
If Black Rainstorm Warning is cancelled before 12pm, all activities at that afternoon will continue as usual.
If Black Rainstorm Warning is cancelled before 5pm, all activities at that night will continue as usual (Activities for infants, senior citizens, disabled or for those in illness will commence only after the Red Rainstorm Warning has been lowered).
**If any query, please contact the activity leader for details.

Click Here To View:
Our Church may update this Policy Against Sexual Harassment from time to time.
The version as is uploaded on our Church's website shall prevail.
20210408 Version