Kong Fok Church Accepts
The Following Methods Of Offering:
To obtain a receipt for your offering:
1. Official receipt for any offering of HK$100 or more will be issued, which may be used for filling your tax returns in Hong Kong.
2. For offerings made by cash or check, please fill in the following information* on the offering envelope: name, telephone, postal address and the amount.
a. The receipt will be issued in the name of the individual or organization that you have filled in on the envelope.
b. As the Church does not make public any information of offerings by individuals, it is not necessary to fill in "Anonymous" as the donor name.
3. For online offerings made through the FPS system, please fill in the one-off registration for Regular Offering and/or each-time registration for Special Offering for a receipt.
4. To facilitate your tax returns, the official receipt will be issued at the end of each tax year. If a receipt is required each time, please indicate "each time" and the year-end receipt will not be issued.
5. Year-end receipt will be distributed in April or May of each year and uncollected receipts will only be kept through the end of the following fiscal year (For example: the receipt of 2018/19 offering will be kept through March 31, 2020 only). After that, previous fiscal year's receipt will no longer be available for collection.
6. Please contact the accounts department if you need U.S. tax receipts.
*All data provided by you, will only be for Church internal record, communications with you and issuing receipts to you.
“For God loveth a cheerful giver…”
- 2 Corinthians 9:7
For cash offering, please used local currency (HKD). Place them in the box at the back of the Fellowship Hall.
Please make crossed check payable to
"Evangelical Free Church of China - Kong Fok Church".